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Volunteer Opportunities

At the end of each year COMET advertises Volunteer positions, in which applicants undergo an interview process. 

Students studying at the University of Tasmania studying law degree are encouraged to apply.

One option is to apply for the Executive Committee: 

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Treasurer

4. General Representative Coordinator

5. Secretary

6. IT and Marketing Officer

There is also the option to apply to be a General Representative. General Representatives run sessions at youth shelters in Hobart and also assist the Executive with school visits. 

Why Volunteer? 

There are many reasons to consider volunteering. 

Volunteering allows you to put the skills your learning at law school to practice. Enhancing the skills you've learnt from school. 

Working with COMET allows allows you to support the disadvantaged in society and engage with the wider community, which benefits the community and yourself. 

This is a great opportunity for you to help make a difference within the community!

General Representatives

\Every the role of General Representative opens up to volunteers. It is a fantastic way to become more involved in your community and help educate youth about the law.

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